We’ve Grown Accustomed
After taking this guttersnipe into our loving arms and teaching her the basics of English, our Eliza B-Little has decided to run off to another school. Who needs her???
𝆕𝆕 Darn! Darn! Darn!!
We've grown accustomed to this head case!
She almost has my name correct.
We've grown accustomed to complaints
Of toys failing to stimulate.
Her smell, her schnoz,
Her enternal meno-pause
Are second nature to us now;
Like burping while fahting.
We were serenely independent and content before we met;
Surely we could always be that way again-
And yet
We've grown accustomed to her tech savvy;
Accustomed to her voice;
Accustomed to this head case. 𝆕𝆕
"Jackson Park” What an infantile idea. What a heartless, wicked, brainless thing to do.
But she'll regret it, Mostly they’ll regret it.
It's doom the first time she tries to say the school name!
𝆕𝆕 But we’re so used to hear her say
"”Hey, Mr. Haddy” every day.
Her dances so strange,
Her fucking book exchange.
Are second nature to us now;
Like a wart upon my ass.
We’re very grateful she's leaving
And so easy to forget;
Rather like the wind
She must always break-
And yet,
We've grown accustomed to the trace
Of unnaturally brown hair;
Accustomed to this head case. 𝆕𝆕