Summer 2024

Not a crap ton of new stuff. As the Premium Members know, 2024 mostly kinda suck. I know, right? Me, complaining. And after 2023 was such a stellar year. Anyhoo, the biggest slab of writing concerned family matters, which wasn’t something I want to post on the public facing portion of the site. However, you do get:

-Why I don’t go to after work gatherings.

-Our long delayed trip to our nation’s capital. (I missed the ‘85 high school trip: too poor and with a mom who didn’t think the effort of fundraising worth the hassle.)

-My latest week long trip to COVID Town

We’ve got the Holidays coming up so that should provide grist for plenty more lamentations. Who knows? Maybe I’ll even figure how to post stuff. On my own.

And if this task is beyond my meager supply of grit?

Probably write about that also. Enjoy.

Summer, 2023

This summer,, I have posted about ten new items; a few of which weren’t even already on the site. I really need to make an index. (And “I” really means my highly skilled and highly underpaid staff of workers. Don’t worry team! The next check will definitely not bounce!)

Anyway, here are some actually new pieces.

-The Hardys finally go to Disneyland.

-Mr. Hardy has Deep Thoughts about his trip to Disneyland.

-An introduction to Family Conference. A rather bitchy one.

-Xander’s Big Night Out


-Good Grief

-Life and Death

And there’s a bunch of really risqué writing in the premium content section.

(I amuse myself at the thought of any of this detritus being classified as premium.)

Anyhoo, I plan to spend a bit more time updating the site over the summer. And in this case, I means I. Therefore, expect a glacial rate of progress.

Okay, having spent 20 minutes simply trying to post the title above, I have now completed the required “30 minutes working on site” and so now can go goof off the rest of the day. Later, gaters.

July (and possibly into August) 2022

The Esteemed Author gets laid low by the virus.

Blue-Rays will NOT play on a DVD player.

The joys of having the remote, the Switch, the iPad, and a cool drink all within reach.

The agony of adhering to your chair.

View all his complaining at “Covid Thoughts!

 Summer of 2022!

Version 2.0 is done. Done-adjacent. I figured it was time to officially launch this thing.

Obviously, there is lots I still want to do (as detailed on the home page) but I’d like somebody to read this stuff.

Basically, I’ll try the Atomic Habits routine of a set amount of time each day, starting at….10 minutes per and expanding from there. Look for this Updates Pages…(uh)….updates.


Winter 2021-22

My 5th graders are doing a goal-setting project and so I decided to use this website for my goal. It’s all theoretical for the students as I’m not nuts enough to actually give out my URL to a bunch of 10-year olds. So, I’m vowing at least 60 minutes each Sunday on this project. Expect a whole lot of cheeky entries over the next sever weeks.

Update on Undating! My students will be very proud. Each page on this site now has some sort of introduction. Great job, me!

Fall 2021

I have hired someone to take another crack at getting this website off the ground. It’s going to take some time and a bit of work, but this time for sure it will happen. Part of that process involves moving the old site to a new location. Another part of it involves dumping a significant number of posts at one time onto the website, so there will be a lot of things that are dated in Fall 2021 that do not, in fact, come from Fall 2021. Please be patient as the website catches up to the present.

Early Fall 2018 Update

Sadly, my brilliant plan to get the Llama Research House (LRH) to do all the heavy lifting on this site, as detailed previously, crashed and burned. Oh, Cruel Fate! Why do you plague me?!?

Therefore and until I find some other Hard Charging Person With a Can-Do Spirit (And Very Low Standards), you dear reader are stuck with my muddling through.

Fall 2017 Update

A Road To Damascus Level Epiphany!

Over the past couple months, I scurried around to one from one urgent task to another, it became clear that this website was not getting the time/effort it deserved. Since I didn't see becoming any less busy over the next, well, remainder of my life, this was a concern to me. 

And that's when inspiration struck. The reasoning is a bit complicated but bear with me. I am forming it into the form of a geometric proof to ensure its logical..ness. it's logical-city. logic..itude. To see if it makes good sense. 

Follow me.

A) If I get somebody else to do the work 

B) Then I won't have to. 

Yeah, it's a lot of steps but I can't find a flaw in the thinking so I'm going with it.

It's this sort of "out of the box" thinking that continues to keep us in the Whitey Brotherhood on top despite our many, many flaws.  

Just a stunning number of flaws....