Waiting for the Tylenol to Kick In
Had a nice evening with the Ls last night. We brought over some Costco food and Wendi’s award winning casserole * and that seemed to go over well enough.
About 10:00, we left bringing J with us. It was terribly cute. When J decided he wanted to go, he immediately started packing his backpack. Don’t know what all he brought but he seemed happy.
The original plan was that we would leave early rather than “hella-late” but the time got away from us. Right now, the boys are sleeping under a huge pile of blankets under Xander’s bed. It was a close thing last night. Wendi and I were almost taking bets as to which boy would stop talking and fall asleep first. They just went on and on and on…
Speaking of the gift of gab, while the boys were playing downstairs, Xander landed hard on the little rocking horse and shouted out, “Ow! I hurt my nuts!!” Wendi attempted to discipline him about poor language while keeping a straight face but Ginger didn’t even try and just turned quickly towards the wall.
Where does he pick this stuff up?!?
I was also very amused to hear X correct J’s grammar on the way home. “…Mouses.” “No, ‘mice’.”
I’ll bring the little dude back home about the same time the boy goes to swimming lessons: about 10:00. With how late they were up, they will probably be fine sleeping in till then. Everything is too exciting.
Another topic. Wendi promised that today will be my birthday day. Well, it’s technically Saturday (has been for about 3 minutes) and I don’t see any dancing girls so what the hell???
I should probably go back to sleep. Wish me luck.
*Note: Not actually award winning.