The Return of an Old Fiend.   

So, I got COVID. Yeah, that, uh, NOT on my Fall Bingo Card. Spent the day typing up all brand new (and awful) sub plans. I snuck back into the classroom and spent a Gawd Awful 90 minutes trying to get something organized. The fact that I couldn’t print anything was just the turd icing on a crap cake.

Finally, I texted Becky and RW to take them on their prior offers of help. They, of course, declared they were On It and ordered me home.

-How will the next two days go for the Hardy Howlers?
Don’t know.

-Why did I choose to take two days off? Why not longer?
Pulled that number right out of my ass.

-What if, I’m NOT Miracle Boy and I’m not fully cured by Wednesday?
Don’t know.

So, I’m here in Xander’s old room. And the door is closed. I’ve been playing Xbox, watching… everything on Netflix, Prime and YouTube. The fold-out sofa isn’t great (“No Wife” being my #1 gripe.) but I’ve slept on worse.

Right now, I got my feet up, wearing my casuals. I await a badly needed thermos of sleepy time tea. My Wife has promised to get right on once she took the garbage and recycle out. (Down that very dark driveway..)

She did have time to deliver my badly needed banjolele before going to do her chores.

And I’m well into my second hour of watching-ney! experiencing the Swedish-German Druidic Rock (literally-rocks!) Heilung.

Well, it gives you time to reflect.

This bit of writing was originally intended as a diatribe against my rather lame life.

But, after putting it down on paper (yes, I know) it seems, well, pretty awesome.

I win.


The Exquisite Gift of a Monumental Fuck Up