Really Down to It


To Everyone,


  Well, we’re really down to it. Tomorrow’s Wendi’s last day of work and that’ll be just a few hours. Darn that pregnancy-induced high blood pressure! (AKA Preeclampsia) I’ve heard stories of women in Eastern Gunngadesh giving birth in the rice fields and getting right back to work. Granted, it’s only men who tell these apocryphal stories.

Ah, one good thing about Wendi staying home. Wendi can stop bothering with socks. Or rather, she can stop ordering me to wedge them onto her very swollen feet. Time for her to be the barefoot and pregnant wife she was meant to be.

The hospital pre-check in (called Stork Express) went well. The nurse was very impressed that we’d taken just about every class offered under the sun. (Except the obstetric anesthesia class which won’t be until next Wednesday.)

The doctor mentioned the option of inducing a week or two early.  That’d be okay with me. Let’s get the show on the road! Wendi has already informed me that I’m to be her entertainment for the foreseeable  future while she’s bed/couch ridden. All that and 80 degree weather? It’s gonna be a looong July….

This unfortunately means my summer vacation is really over now; no more matinees, playing xBox all day or sneaking over to Seattle. Now it’s seriously catering to HER EVERY WHIM.

Kinda sorta thought I was doing that already.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) most of my summer to do list is done. My first few weeks of summer were extremely busy. The beginning of July is when I traditionally go over to the Valley but not so this year. Wendi set a June 31st deadline for any trips east. Sigh…Didn’t quite plan this one out very well.

As a result, the week has been extremely boring. Yes, my brothers ARE telling me to quit whining but who cares? They didn’t manage the baby shower so they can pack sand. J

One good bit of news is that Harold’s coming over with the baby furniture (Wendi’s old stuff, actually) so we can we start to have a baby room that actually looks like what it’s supposed to. The crib is on order and should be here in another week or so.

Dad’s also supposed to be coming over so we can clean out the garage; my last major household project. No doubt he’ll come up with several other things we should do.

One thing occupying all my “free” time has been college/estate planning. Well, not so much DOING anything but learning the ropes. This has been both interesting and encouraging. Procrastination and planning based on false assumptions have put more folks in the poor house than every low public-employee wage did. We’re hoping Wendi can take nearly a year off before she has to go to work so budgeting/money management will have to be well-thought out. (That’s where Wendi really comes into the picture.) There may be hope for us yet; both in terms of the next year and long term retirement.

Mom’s extremely limited options at life’s end really put the Fear of God into me. As it should all of you…

I recently read Raising Cain about the emotional lives of boys and how not to screw them up. (Important Note: Boys aren’t just defective females. They’re supposed to be like that.) How did Mom survive?

Let’s see, anything else to impart? Wendi-lots of bedrest. Brian-bored all today. Xander’s been having lots of hiccups. That’s something. PLENTY of items left on our baby registry. (Yes, that means YOU, you low-down, non-baby shower coming siblings!)

Best go see if the Wife wishes her drink freshened, pillow fluffed or anything else. I’ll keep you informed.



Our Fabulous Day


Getting Ready