My Son is Sitting At the Kitchen Counter Weeping….


And more weeping tonight. Though I feared I already knew the answer, I had to ask. Through tears and clenched teeth, he replied: 

Some dick took my Lt. Surge Pokemon Card! 

Well, that certainly is dickish behavior. The chain of evidence on this Crime of the Century is a little…. tenuous but he is sure that “Billy” has it. Billy, who only went to M&M for a couple weeks during the summer but who is now back to his (unknown) school. Completely incommunicado.

When quizzed on the value of this particular card, my son said with complete confidence that it was, “Worth more than this house!”. 

Well, once I got over my tears, I decided to see what this World Wide Web had to say about this Lt. Surge Pokemon Card. 

There’s this Amazon website; I’ll try them.


Seems Alexander was a little over optimistic on his evaluation. 

Son is Weeping.PNG

Now granted, that price does include $6.99 for shipping but I’d have to say that, even in a down market, our little modest chateau is probably worth a bit more. 

Now, were Xander to lose some of our very valuable Magic the Gathering cards. That would be tragic! 


The French have a saying, Esprit De L’Escalier. "The thought on the stairs". When you think of what you should have said or done after the party’s over and your leaving. 

Oh, to go back in time 90 minutes. 

Son, I know this card is important to you so I’ve decided to spend great amounts of money to get you another. 


Son, we’ve love to get you that car but we’re still paying off that Pokemon Card. 


Sweetie, it’s wonderful that you were accepted by MIT but we’ve just got a few more years before the card is all paid off. How about Trucking School? 


Son, we’re so glad you have found the perfect girl. As far as covering the honeymoon, we’ll pay up to a weekend in Aberdeen. 



March 2019

