5th Grade Team - 2020 Texts Part 5
Sun, Apr 19, 6:15 PM
Brian: At the risk of being, well, a lazy son of a gun, might we spend this week focusing on getting Image Learning up and running?
I know it's not for everyone but I am hesitant about starting more than one new thing per week....
OR could we assign it to everyone?
R: They are all on my Imagine Learning roster so they can easily do that and no math. The struggle is going to be getting them all into it, I think T drafted an email and a slide show that will walk them through getting in. It's likely gonna take a while so assigning it might be a good idea. Monday can be just logging in and taking the placement test.
Brian: Whoa, whoa, whoa! What's this craziness about "no math"?
I am just saying I don't want to introduce anything new besides I.L.
B: I have a big project about the colonies I'm introducing. If we wanna do IL AND that it might be a lot...
Let me get the slide show and stuff together for logging into IL and we can ease them into it this week and go whole hog next week.
R: I was going to have them do two short responses using RACE for short Mystery Science videos this week, but after seeing your colonies slideshow I feel like that's a lot of short response,
I'm totally down with exploring IL and seeing how it can best assist all of us.
B: Yeah. I did put a lot in there. t can shorten it. I'll look at it again.
The from what I learned it is all language arts. It varies from grammar and usage to vocabulary to maze to literature and nonfiction. It depends on their placement test, It's like Redbird for ELA. It goes with their skills. Very little management is needed on our part except for looking at their reports. I had them all put into my roster because I thought you guys wouldn't want to have to manage it. I can give you my login and password though if you wanna have a gander.
R: I'm not asking you to do that! I'm just saying I have science filler if you need for two days, but again don't want to overload.
B: Ok. I have them doing the slide show and reading log with a response this week. Bri, what do you have planned,
Mon, Apr 20, 8:20 AM
Brian: Is RACE on ckschools bookmark page
R: Race is an acronym
Restate question in answer
Answer question
Cite evidence
Explain your answer
Unless you're talking about something different...
B: Yeah that
R: It's for responding with a short answer.
Brian: Learn something new every day.
Mon, Apr 20, 9:29 AM
B: 9am Monday and J turned a week long project. It was crap. Not a single complete sentence. I'm not looking forward to the feedback I am going to have to give.
R: Quantity not quality. Interesting choice.
B: Yeah. I commented the heck out of it and returned it. Nice try J.
So C somehow deleted the entire slide show so I had to reassign it to him. It'll show two colony projects in each day but it won't show two for the kids.
R: Sweet C
B: Yeah, Sweet boy.
Brian: Ha ha...
Tue, Apr 21, 11:02 AM
Brian: Can I use D as a test subject?
I want to log in as a student to see what they're seeing. Since D got a packet, I'm thinking he won't be doing anything online?
B: Sure. Do it.
Would you be ok with me alternating IL and RB/MM in the Bloomz announcements? MWF I will post minutes for MM/RB and TTh I will post minutes for IL. That way it's scheduled out for families. I think they're getting confused when we let them manage it in a general way.
Brian: Yeah, I'm getting that vibe also. I wonder if just a Monday RB/MM announcement would be enough for the week. Fun Fact: I'm alternating between my ChromeBook and iPad to do my schoolwork here at the home office.
I have poked my ChromeBook's screen at least 10 times so far today.
B: Fun-Ny fact.
We could post it as a weekly generalization but I suspect that it won't get done past Monday. Families are very used to a daily task list so if it's not in there, it may not get done.
R: W's always trying to touch screen everything too, so I get it
Fun Fact: I've ditched pre-k's online resources because I'd rather read to her than have scholastics read two books. I also got her a workbook...now her teacher wants to conference about how it's going but I've gone rouge!
Brian: You've gone "a red powder or cream used as a cosmetic for coloring the cheeks or lips"? Freaky...
R: That's right. Full face rouge
Brian: B, it may be time for a Zoom intervention.
B: Maybe. She can't use her phone though because the screen cracked.
R: It's getting fixed today people!!! Apparently Apex is an essential business *shakes head*
B: So are pot shops. And Dutch bro's. Who would've figured.
R: Still haven't gone to Target...! miss it. Finally just placed an online because I'm out of concealer.
Brian: Oh, she's going concealer!
B: I have done the Target pickup a couple times. It's awesome.
Tue, Apr 21, 2:09 PM
Brian: Dang it. How do you send private messages on Bloomz?
R: Click messages then click the image of +message
Brian: Yeah, but will this message get posted? I don't want everyone knowing that D's packet can just go into the dumpster.
R: Not if you go through the messages, those are private. You just need to leave the updates page to do that. Brian: Okay. Cool. Thx.
Wed, Apr. 22, 10:14 AM
B: Comments on every project? Yay or nay?
I did for the reading log but these Colony projects take longer. I have next week too but I wanna make sure they get timely responses.
R: I say no, unless they need the feedback
Brian: Yeah, the Js of the world might need it but probably not everyone.
B: Ok.
R: I'm having some anxieties about this meeting lasting two hours like the last one...
Brian: We can all just freeze in place at the designated time. If we're really good at it, they'll just assume our ChromeBooks died.
B: Maybe if we head it off with "I have about an hour only"
I'll text B too with request that it be short if possible. Two hours is too long. I spent two hours staring at a screen with no faces. That was hell.
R: I think it was because ii was the re-evaluation and IEP meeting all in one, but that's like excessive wi1h no escape for 8 people especially.
B: True.
R: If it's over an hour I'm all for Brian's freeze tactic
B: I'm down Yes
C has three google meets with her class per week. Per week! Are we being relationship neglectful? I don't feel it in my heart but she seems to really enjoy these random chats.
R: Okay I'm going to quickly vacuum the upstairs then.
How do you even manage that? I've heard from some of the girls in the beginning and they were reaching out to one another FaceTiming and texting. 2nd graders usually don't have access to that...plus I'd probably try to control ii and listening to 80 kids seems excessive
B: I would do homeroom only and what I overhear from C and S's meets is just everyone talking at the same time or B trying to talk over everyone asking a specific question. A's meets remind me of a college class.
Brian: My heart's an empty hole, my brain is full of spiders and I've got garlic in my soul go I'll just take your lead on the touchy feely stuff
B: A's teacher is doing a show and tell. She is not excited about it. That's what I'm afraid meeting up with tweens would turn into.
I might put it out there as a Bloomz message to my homeroom kids and see if anyone is interested.
R: Hmmm, maybe we should all host a Google Hangout al the same time so we can streamline the message. After we do one we'll probably have to do one a week moving forward which is manageable
Brian: Just take comfort in the fact that during this upcoming long-ass Zoom meeting, I'll be Dedicated Math Teacher from the sternum up BUT...
Rock God Just SHREDDING Those Two Chords from the sternum down!
Sort of our version of a mullet.
And for THAT unseeable image, you Ladies, are welcome!
R: Something about zoom meetings make me yawn, so I'll be fighting that urge for the entire time.
B: Oh Bri! I am dressed up for the waist up and rocking my house pants like no other. I'm also aiming my camera at the only semi-decently clean corner of my house.
My kids are just moving and making messes far too often.
Brian: Shredding, I say.
Is that keyboard made out of bricks?
Remember, no yawning.
R: Trying
Brian: Best to not even think about it. All this talking is making me tired.
R: Me giving the bird
Brian: B's off camera
Wanna bet that's what TT's doing?
R: He's def yawning
Brian: Most Def. RR's fading....
R: Getting started in general is tough....
Brian: Must...not...yawn...
R: Apparently A's parents sent me a message late Friday night I didn't see asking for a packet. OOPS
B: Oh well. You can still order for the next round I think. And don't be jelly. I can hear where I am. Blu tooth!!!
R: It's frustrating because all of these students have internet access and have been on the computer. Oh well.
Anyone remember what the doc was called
Brian: It's hard to be in any way enthusiastic about them. The packets; not A’s parents.
B: It's a form. I'll forward you T's email.
R: Found It!
Brian: OMGoodness! It's already past noon!
I going to spend some time investigating composting.
R: But the grade level folders only have 4 pages, 2 handouts. Am I missing something?
B: What is that1 I never go there. The packet they handed out is like 50 pages or something.
R: I found the ELA one
Brian: That site you posted above? Just scroll down.
R: I'm going crazy
Brian: BTW: You want your Brown layers and Green layers, well, layered in your compost heap. Like a lasagna.
The more you know...
B: How do you layer it? Like frosting on a cake but with really well timed trash?
Brian: Alternate between the moist (green) and the dry(brown). So a layer of food scraps, coffee grounds, grass clippings and then a layer of dead leaves, wood chips, hay, fireplace ashes.
Sadly, it might take ag long as 6 months before you get that first shovelful of the sweet, sweet, soil.
R: Should have gotten composting worms...
My only misstep is I didn't see the email they sent on Friday at 7pm asking for a packet...the ones handed out on the 14th and 16th. I hate when parents are upset with me
Brian: And of course, you'll want to avoid adding lard, animal feces, or dairy products,
R: You should probably also avoid meats. And sugars.
Brian: Oh, so NOW everyone's an expert, hm?
R: I promote global warming, Brian
Brian: 5 Points to House R!
Thu, Apr 23, 7:25 AM
B: I am seeing bold and highlighted text in the Covid doc. Not sure what it means exactly. What's the "snapshot"?
R: I'm updating it today with details about the rover...but that's the only thing I started and it's next week
Brian: It’s a way for parents (or kids) to check on the kid's progress from home. I just emailed you A's so you can get an idea.
B: Ahhh. Ok. Nice.
What do you think about the minutes? Post them daily or just once as a weekly guideline?
Brian: I'm leaning towards a weekly total.
B: I can do that but I'll likely post daily to work towards the weekly total.
I like the snapshot but a couple things: we need to make sure parents know what they're looking at, The legend is a super small drop down menu at the top and easy to miss. Also, we might wanna point out that free play isn't a good thing.
Brian: C addressed all of these points in the accompanying Redbird video she made
B: Are we counting on families to watch the video? I would prefer a bulleted "look for" list as a parent than a video but that's just me.
Brian: Are you claiming our parents wouldn't watch the materials we provide?!? Fine. I will add some bulleted points.
B: I am saying that,
Thank you. Watching videos that are longer than one or two minutes in a house with three kids who all want help and a job to do just doesn't happen in this house so I'm assuming it won't happen in other homes either.
Brian: I mean, I thought I did all that with my brilliant "Redbird Snapshot" essay BUT Be must have her bullet points. You want points? Oh, I'll give you points!!
Can just drop this new message into a newly created Bloomz post and send it to all the parents? (Look at me, being all technical!)
Sigh...D's Dad is seemingly not a fan of the District's "NoTakeBackSeas" packet plan.
B: Ooh! Getting fancy are ya? Do it! Make that post! Own it!
I'm not sure what he wants us to do. Maybe reminding him that accepting hundreds of paper packets from hundreds of different homes may not be the safest approach during a pandemic.
Although that is exactly what North Kitsap is doing
Brian: Have they figured out what the long term plan for distributing packets is going to be?
B: I think it's an every two week distribution at the meal drop offs.
Brian: This stupid, stupid survey Dr. Prince just never ends!!! And it won't close!
B: It won't close? I just x’d out. I made it to 64.
Brian: 143 for me.
B: Wow! I salute you.
Brian: Screw it.
Though I would like to share my concerns about this stinking survey, it’s probably best I just pull the plug.
B: Pull it!
Brian: Okay, added some bulleted points Ready to be Bloomzed.
Thu, Apr 231 12:15 PM
B: HOW many parents will be asking us how to print off the eBook? I know I got a few the other day.
Brian: It's not a tidal wave; just a steady drip. Of cluelessness.
B: Yeah. If I can help when I post the daily directions, let me know how.
R: looks like T is once again pushing island wood
B: Island wood is so crazy expensive. Super expensive. It was like $300+ per kid. I don't know why he would push it. It's also much less fun from what I've heard.
R: I went as a 6th grader, can vouch. So much academics. The lodges were legit though.
B: Hmm mm. Maybe we should go just for the lodging
R: Heated cement flooring people
B: I am a fan of the heart of the Y. They are so community oriented and I don't like going private elite camp.
R: I like the Y because it's fun with a side of academics. I agree with the community aspect and our kids need that.
If we're going to switch let it lo be Seymore because it's 15 min closer
B: I wanna support the Y rather than some snobby Bl organization.
R: Suspension bridge isn't that great and floating Classroom was a snooze fest. I'm the yelp of Camp now
Fri, Apr 24, 12:04 PM
Brian: Not sure my first attempt at pickling eggs will be all that great. I'll know by Sunday.
B: looks yummy…
Brian: By the end our 8th or 9th month of lockdown, you'll be wishing you had treated my eggs with a bit more reverence.
B: Probably.
R: I'm fascinated. You still working on your super dry energy bars?
Brian: I am about 1/2 through the bag.
B: Throw them out Bri. Just throw them out.
You've got eggs to eat,
You know what1 I just remembered that when I was in CA in November my uncle gave me one of his pickled eggs and I loved it - His was spicy.
Brian: Uncle Bri’s Spicy Eggs Accept no substitute!
Just finished planting the lavender. Wish I had done so at least a month back.
Grow fast little plants! My apple trees are counting on your pollinator attracting flowers.
...Yeah, if the plants do grow, they'll probably flower by early to mid-June.
B: Can you hand pollinate them1 I have a friend that does that. I can probably find her video explaining it... He he
Brian: I have started attempting that but bees are best
B: Bees ARE best. Let's hope the cleaner air will get them out and about.
R: Just got a voicemail from SS. (I accidentally gave her my number on a field trip 5 years ago). They have completely halted CB distribution right?
It was a weird voicemail saying she doesn't want to send an email and won't qualify based on the Google Form... I don't think the district will give an additional one when her other 3 kids have one from the district.
Brian: Yes, tired of fielding ChromeBook questions. If only someone in the District was in charge of this. Someone NOT us,
Of more urgency, B, have you sent out Google Classroom invites to B&B? They're waisting their time by not working for us.
Wasting. They are doing that, too.
B: I sent a Bloomz invite to B but not google classroom,
R: Are we doing a weekly kudos announcement. I've got my list of high IL achievers ready to go!
Brian: The Shadows, Rockstars, and Huskies continue to amaze in math. Among many Moby Max accolades this week, B and A earned their Chicken ltza badges, C, his NSI badge and D earned 100% on Tuesday's math lesson. Finally, A made the most progress with his fact fluency.
On the Redbird Ride, the Shadows, Rockstars, and Huskies demonstrated mathematical proficiency with 12., 32., and
34 lessons respectively.
This week's MATHY CROWN of MATHYNESS goes to S for completing eight (8!) lessons during week!
What badges will be awarded next week?
Who will win the Mathy Crown of Mathyness? Tune in next week!
B: This is good. I'm gonna just bite on your game show prowess and add mine to the beginning.
R: Maths Crown of Mathyness, I like that. Makes me want to compete for it
Brian: It's hard to compete with a MATHY Crown.
B: Heck's yeah. I would love a Mathy crown.
Brian: I should probably come up with a drawing or something. I'll bet JB. could come up with something.
B had similar thoughts about the fines but texted them to me directly. (Not sure why.)
R: The fines make me mad. How about refund people and then send them an email reminding them of the fine so they can use the money they just got to pay it if they can.
Brian: You want me to pass along our concerns to T? How about our union rep?
B: Your email to T earlier was awesome.
Brian: Okay, I'll leave B's name off it.
B: You can put mine on there.
And R’s.
R: It was his draft, I think you send that message because it's clear we've talked it over then let him act on it. I also stand behind my name being there
Brian: Last chance to say "halt", RR.
R: Onward
Team 5 *air-live*
B: Toby emailed us back
Brian: Yeah. Really meant to change that subject line.
B: Oh my word!!!
Watch the superintendents presentation in her email. Correct me if I'm wrong but 5th grade band is dead
Brian: Oh, that’s terrible.
B: Is that sarcasm? Or are legit sad?
Brian: Mwhahaha!!!!!
An extra 40 minute& of teaching!!!
B: Oh whew! I didn't wanna cheer if you really will miss it. I am NOT sad about it moving to middle school.
Brian: You know what we're not gonna worry about next year?
Those #%€£ing musical instruments!
Three Band/Orchestra concerts? Ba-Bye!!,
“Hello! This is Mr. T. Sorry for the interruption! Can we get a 5th grade teacher to supervise the loud, rude band students stampeding through the halls?"
“Oh, wait! There ARE no more band students? Hmm. Must be Mrs H’s kids then. Never mind.”
We'll be able to leave out selections of beer in the Staff Room because it will ONLY be a Staff Room right now!
R: No more hot cross buns!! No more Star Wars songs that we can't recognize!
Brian: Goodbye "Ode to Joy!!" Well, "Ode to Persistence."
You are wicked people.
B: WE are wicked.
A just said that the fifth graders that come into band as sixth graders suck anyway so it won't matter if they get fifth grade classes -
Although, selfishly, I am glad A got some percussion experiences in fifth because she loves it now.
Sunday, Apr 26, 3:21 PM
Brian: Just spent three (3!) hours Screencastifying my first twelve (12) minute math lesson for tomorrow’s G-CR
This may shock you but I LOATHE listening to myself.. And Tanith decided to start meowing at about minute 11....
B: I hate listening to myself too.