Hardy Words
In a small cabin in Winthrop, WA sits boxes and boxes of my mother's writing. She was a long-time writer for that town's newspaper, along with other Washington-state publications and also had her own two newsletters (blogs before the internet). Since she passed away nearly two decades ago, all her written words have just sat there at the mercy of time and the elements.
I'm not the prolific writer she was but there are currently three four 3-ring binders on my shelf which are chock-full of twenty years' worth of emails and texts, sent to friends and family. My goal is to get said emails (personally referred to as E-pistles) into a more permanent form. Doing so for the past few years’ worth of texts will be even more of challenge.
Eventually, I will also post as much of mom's writing as possible. Her children’s books are already here but that’s just a start. She wrote for various newspapers (Methow Valley News, Omak Chronicle, The Grange) magazines (Chrone Cronicles, Washington Magazines) and her own self-published newsletters (Spotted Chicken Society, Birdy’s Circle) starting in the 80s going right up to her passing in 2002.
One big hurdle is the medium. My written pieces are in email (going back to my AOL days), text, or just hard copy form. Getting these myriad pieces edited, organized, posted, and updated is going to take creativity, expertise and a lot of hard work. In other words: it’ll take someone else. To that end, in the Spring of 2021, I hired the world renowned web-design team of “Someone Not Me” to handle the job. I am pleased with the progress so far but there’s plenty still to do.. My goal is to have v. 2.0 up and running some time during the fall of 2021. at the beginning of 2022. Some time in 2022.
Okay, it’s July of 2022 and my latest web design team has decided she Is Done. And a mighty job it was. Hats off to you, KE Enterprises.
Version 2.0 of the site is divided into two sections. The first is Mom’s writings: both her books and her self-published newsletters. The second part is my writings: mostly in the form of letters or texts to friends and/or coworkers.
Under the “Fishing or Cutting Bait” Proviso, I’ve decided it’s time to launch this sucker on an unsuspecting world. Granted, I have future plans to add more pieces and especially photos but since I am now my own WebMaster, progress might slow down a bit.
That said, welcome to Hardy Words. I’m glad you stopped by.
Thank you.
Running Dog Enterprises