5th Grade Team - 2020 Texts Part 3

Mon, Apr 6, 7:46 PM

Brian: Down to my last 4 Fireballs.

Shit’s gettin' real now...


B: I think cash and carry is open. Or...maybe you can order some fireballs when you order your chicken coop from amazon.


Tue, Apr 7, 7:35 AM

R: I wish we kept the 8:15 meeting times, start our day off with a certain mindset. This mid-morning isn't for me,


B: Me either honestly. The kids start their thing right at ten and they need help sometimes. I get why he does it, but I would prefer 9


R: I feel like we're expected to be available from 8-3:30 so we should just get it over with. I'm still getting up early


Brian: lt's 7:42.

I am wearing pants and a t-shirt.  FTW!


R: Versus what? No pants and no shirt?


Brian: Staying in your PJs till lunch.

Which I have heard that SOME people do.


B:  I'm still in PJ's.


Brian: A-Ha!


B: I plan to actually shower and get ready around 8:30 though.


R: Now that you mention it, I usually shower then bathrobe it all day until right before K comes home from work, then I change into clothes so I look like a functioning human



Brian: Me, too! (Also, hair flip!)


B: I knew a lady that was a SAHM and she did the same thing. She did makeup and  everything  right before her man got home.


Brian: (Though not the K part.)


B: How is the hair that you're flipping Bri? Did Wendi cut it yet?

R: I get ready in the morning B

B: Name your squirrel Kevin


R: it's a bad name, a squirrel deserves it


Brian: Nope, I'm going for the Fabio look now.


B: According to your text you bathrobed it all day...


Brian: Well, more like Flabio right now.


B: Do it!!! Tiger King is back in style. Let R bleach it. She knows how.


R: Well, I have bleach but I don't actually know how...I'll YouTube it like Wendi would


Brian: I'm not an expert in the field but can a cosmetologist bleach hair via Zoom? Is that like a premium-level feature?

R: I think you'll have to show your support by waiting


B: I feel like it would cost less because you would be doing it for them using their instructions. And they can leave the meeting before they have to see you cry at the results.


R: I miss you two, I didn't want to admit it but I will.


Brian: I miss you all as well.

Uh, one of you, anyway.


B: I miss you guys too - My moody teenager is not appreciating my movie choices. Please tell me you either know all the words to A Chorus Line or would at least appreciate me singing all the words while we watched together


Brian: You know what you did..


R: Never heard of it


Brian: The squirrels tell me things.


B: Secret spoiled: we were both in on it.



Brian: There was a Simpsons parody of a Chorus Line so I know that part. Sort of.


B: See,  better than A who told me Grease 2 was better

R: Grease 2...why did she watch that

Dirty Dancing 2 is probably better though


B: S got a quarantined haircut,

She watches it because I know all the words to that one too

Stop it! There's a DD2?!?!


Brian: My Beloved son was really unhappy about watching Apocalypse Now.

I told him he could read one book of my choosing OR 2 movies of high quality. He chose the movie option.

B: I would've too. Although that one sound a little too close to home for the times. Please tell me the other one isn't Contagion?


R: Havana Nights...

You crazies. Both of those movies are awful.


B: Next up on our movie list: Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion.


R: Who are you? You hate movies.


B: I never watch them  really. That one is funny. I also have Night at the Roxbury on that list.


R: W and I have already watched the entire trilogy of LOTR, we'll probably go back for more this week. Add Napoleon Dynamite to that list, that was my jam at A's age.


Brian: Xander was such a turd during AN, I decided to assign him the classic Heart of Darkness.


B: We just borrowed it from a friend (porch pick up)! I'm super excited to show her that one.


Brian: He says he finished it yesterday. I've gotta come up with an AR quiz.


R: Make it a hard one.


Brian: Apocalypse Now??


B: We borrowed Napoleon Dynamite. Classic cinema. She'll never look at a Tina the same again.


R: Heart of Darkness? Never heard of it...

I'm about to watch some cult documentaries on Netflix


B: Tell me which ones. I'm actually sitting in front of the Tv on occasion. J got a TV for the garage.


R: Wild Wild Country is what I'm planning on watching.


Brian: Best thing ever: during the last Buffy the Vampire S1ayer night, one of the episodes had a reference to Apocalypse!

Xander looked at me with his patented disregard and curiosity look and asked if I'd planned it.

Yes, son. Yes I did.


B: You are magical!

Adding WWC to my list.


R: Okay I like that.

Also, B, Amazon has Making the Cut which is pretty much Project Runway, I know you had that on as background noise for awhile.


B: I'm all caught up on Making the Cut. I've been looking forward to it since I heard about it. Tim Gunn is my secret wise uncle that I talk to when I feel like Jesus isn't interested in my petty whining. I go to Tim for sage advice.


Brian: Sigh. The movie is based upon the Joseph Conrad novella "Heart of Darkness" And there is an amazing documentary about the filming of the movie by the same name.


You two SURE you went to college?  Like a real college?


R: I did get my masters at WGU so I'm not certain.


B: Yeah, mine was Walden. I had to mail my payments to three different places...


Brian: This conversation has diverged wildly.


Tue, Apr 7, 9:28 AM

Brian: WGU? Walden?

This explains much.

Like your shocking ignorance of Frances Ford Copalla movies

The man's a genius! A genius, I say!!


B: It's Coppola

Ok, I'm actually happy that it's just us again. It'll be easier.


R: Honestly I wish he would just tell All OF 5TH something at older.

I'm getting kids saying google earth doesn't work so they can't do Yellowstone...what should we do?


B: Excuse them. Hey girl! Your hair looks good.


R: Are you guys seeing someone continually calling in to T?

B: No. I got  kicked off zoom and am trying to get back in.


Brian: I thought it was at 11:00. This explains my tardiness joining the meeting.


R: Who is this S? I don't recognize her...is that a title para?


Brian: ?


R: She keeps messaging but I don't recognize her


Brian: Do we know anything about Imagine Learning?


R: No one does. Right now it’s just Ell

At l0:50 I have to meet the stove repair man, if anything new comes about after that please enlighten me.


Brian: I can’t stop yawning.

Becky, can we Zoom after T signs off?


R: I'm excluded, excuse me


B: Can you give me some zoom detox time? How about in 15?


Brian: 15 it is

Maybe more like 25


B: Ok. Text it to me please. I'm trying to make the kids some lunch


Brian: Same. Only just lunch for me.

Inviting now…


B: Email or text?

Never mind. Got it.

Where are you R!


Brian: Okay young lady,

Here is what we decided during our Official Meeting Of Important People.

1) We hate the Yellowstone activity. It's getting deleted.

2)  We'll be transitioning the Classroom into a days of the week layout; similar to the Covid Document. That's what 2nd grade is doing and you know what a fan of theirs Becky is.

3)  This Classroom switcheroo will take place over the weekend. Becky will send out a Bloomz message on Friday saying "Under Construction Till Monday".

4) We're going to go through all the invites to see who hasn't joined Classroom. These incommunicado parents will need to be contacted another way. T needs these names by Friday.

5) B has too many crafting items but no bleach. Go figure. That is all I can remember.

On Bloomz now. I...loathe its layout on the ChromeBook. There are messages from early last year.

We seem to have iXL log in requests from AT, and H. If I'm reading it correctly. More investigation is required.

B: I got those to the kids already. Don't worry about iXL stuff. I can handle it.

Sounds like a good summation Bri.

I can also address the messages and then filter them out to you if it's something you need to address. That way you don't have to worry about messages at all.


R: First off, I'm sorry. I went to K's and then stopped by my mother’s after. She talks a lot and in the process my child took my phone to the playroom and indulged in YouTube kids. I'm just seeing this.

I agree with #1 tenfold. I was about to tell you I'm deleting it.

2.     I like the m-f idea on the classroom

3.     Do you want to send the list Friday or before then?

Apparently my drafted emailing was accusing Family H, I hope to repair our relationship  before June :)


B: Let's do the COVID doc to plan ahead and then post things on Friday evening - Sunday evening.


R: Perfect.

Who is AJ?

Never mind, it's probably A


Brian: First, just like Ms. R, I like the M-F'ing idea mentioned above, though I'm a little disappointed in your saucy language. How did you insult the H Family? And where can we find their reply so we can properly make fun of it?



B: LH.?


R: His dad, yes. He said that it came off accusing of not being on Google Classroom, it was a broad statement so I've got to watch that Yeah someone asked for AJs login and I got confused until I realized it had to be A.


B: Ummmm ...was L in the classroom?!?! If he wasn't, the reason he felt it was accusatory was because he hasn't done what he was supposed to do. Hence, guilt and feeling accused.


R: He is and he even informed me in the email  they have already "seen the content". Such an odd duck


B: Wow. Glad we don't have to face our accusers while he holds his 11 year old son's  hand.  Ok. That was petty. Sorry.


R: 700 requests for CBs and they're not accepting anymore. They're scared the tech isn't coming back.

B: Maybe. You gotta accept that we're gonna lose some CB's. Journeys may not be mandatory. SI said they don't have to do it.

also, I deleted the Yellowstone thing and posted an announcement about it. Some folks were sad they did the work so I want to be able to honor those kids somehow (except I deleted who did it). Oh well, you live and learn.

R: So many messages. 5 in the last two days.


B: Oh my lord. N's mom is wondering how you can expect a student to write an opinion without putting in "I think" or "I believe"...

State it like it's a fact.

"Schools shouldn't assign homework. "

"Schools assign too much homework"

Any op ed piece has statements that are opinions without I think or I believe.


R: I wrote a short essay back to her with examples. I'm proud of Nathan for holding his ground with her. The scary part is she just graduated with her degree in elementary education. I explained we're using claims and evidence, that students don't need to actually write out I think or believe. Ss mom...dang. She wants to know where the articles and evidence are for the primary source journal. Do they even look at the assignments before messaging us?


B: I don't think they do, It sounds like she is confusing two assignments.

Also, in 6th grade opinion turns to persuasive. Having them state an opinion without I think or I believe, it prepares them for the next step.

R: Oh girl I did mention that. Hit them with the cold hard facts. Perfect.

Wed, Apr 8, 9:23 AM

Brian: Okay, I'm going proofing the Yearbook and I'm... RG. Wasn't that a girl? I mean, isn't that a girl? Or have I finally lost it?

Or, perhaps there is a third explanation?


R: RG is indeed a boy, you're thinking of R  But don't forget we still have RB


Brian: R... R.. too many homophones.

B: Yeah so many R, R, R. Too many.

And 4 L's.

Like the year we had 4 H/H/ H/ H


R: I sent R a gift card for Starbucks for a week, you think she'll brave the drive thru?

B: I only have five kids not in the google classroom yet. I'm gonna give them today before I call to hopefully walk them through the tech.

Yes. She drove by our house last night.

You are so sweet.

If she won't, her hubby might.


R: Perfect.

I feel bad because she is doing so much more then gen ed.

I'm glad at the approach CK is taking. A lot of my teacher friends have to do zoom lessons...


B: I am too. Zoom is sketchy. Some guy was defending his dissertation and someone hacked into it and drew a penis on his screen. I can only imagine what kids would do.

I might Screencastify a lesson or two for writing but that's it.

So when we go to days of the week for the classroom, how should we approach week-long projects?


R: Right, we don't want to repost it daily or have then get a completely new doc or slideshow. Maybe we just add the instructions under each day of the week


B: Sounds good. Then we can post the project under Monday?


R: Exactly.


B: Ok. I'm putting something together for the week of April 20. It's a slide show, reading, writing thing for landmarks and monuments. I'm going to I regrade a way for them to create something as a monument to the COVID epidemic or something. ldk yet.

Right now I'm doing stuff like Eiffel Tower, Vietnam War Memorial, etc.


R: The idea of them having a different doc everyday means that at the end of the week when it's time to put it all together they'll have too many tabs to keep track of


B: Right. There's got to be an easier way than the way Second grade is doing it. Sam and Clio have so many tabs to open. They have a slide show articles and videos, a separate doc. They have to make a copy of to write on and then share with their teacher.


R: No good. We don't want that. We want it straight forward. I'm glad none of our parents are asking for packets. Also the comments on Bloomz had me feeling a bit weepy seeing parents be so supportive and flexible.


B: The comments made me glad I made the mistake of deleting the project early. Everyone is being so great about things.

Thu, Apr 91 8:24 AM.

Brian: Hey, how are we going about learning who needs the work packets?

Two of my students on waiting for their ChromeBook, LG and T, so I guess I'll start with them but what are you guys doing?


R: I think they have to request one. None of my students have requested it.


Brian: They request it from us teachers and we pass that request onto T? Or are parents supposed to contact T or the District directly?


B: I haven't put it out there yet. I noticed on the second grade Bloomz posts, that most of the parents wanted one. I think we need to communicate that they are provided ONLY if students don't plan on doing any online work.

They tell us and we fill out the form T emailed.


R: I also haven't put it out there.

B: I can post something today in Bloomz. I'll make sure to add that it's ONLY if they don't plan on completing any online work. It's instead of not in addition to.


R: Yeah I think we need to be explicit. Otherwise, I think a majority will just opt out of tech and want a packet to complete


B: Yeah. Almost every family in C and S's class wanted a packet


Brian: Ugh. I can see the parents' reasoning. Work is work and a packet doesn't take up the computer or bandwidth. And the tech support required on a piece of paper? Rather minimal.

The fact that WE see daily G-CRoom activities as being more useful than a big old work packet is irrelevant.

I think the Print shop is going to have to bite the bullet on this one. It's not like they've got a ton of other work on back order.

How big are these 5th grade bundles? Any way to get a look see before they go out?


B: I don't think we can see it. The only hardship I see for us is that we're supposed to be continuing learning and I

don't know how to prove that or contact families easily when they aren't online.


R: Is the district making 5th packets for two weeks or us?


Brian: District.


B: And that means we have no idea what is in them.


R: That would mean less work for us potentially, but it just truly feels like busy work.  I have mixed feelings.


B: It could potentially mean more if we have to continually contact those families though. I don't know if they're new learning packets or review packets. New learning is supposed to start Monday.


R: I hope our families just want to keep doing everything digital.


Brian: Well, I think we've got to throw anything and everything at the wall to see what sticks.  Packets? Sure. Not ideal but it's something.


R: Yes


B: Yeah. I agree. We are obligated to let them know. I will also mention they have to be picked up.


R: Just went back through the guidelines sent from J. I do better with a straight rubric, but I'll be flexible. My plan is to do science next week then get into colonial America. I'll update the google doc.

B: Ok. Are we still gonna take a week each for projects? Or, do you want me to focus on reading short passages and comprehension/vocabulary and you do projects?


R: I think next week will be a stem/engineering project, the following background knowledge.

I need to sift a little further because I want the motivation to be higher. Right now they don't have that knowledge


B: Ok. So, do you want me to do projects too? Two projects in a week is too much.

I can also focus on short reading passages and questions/ vocabulary


R: Trying to reach all kiddos from R to say A with the material is a little more challenging than if we were in the physical classroom.


B: True


Brian: I'll just continue with review math lessoning? And maybe a new math activity each week? Maybe a couple of activities? I don't know. Feels like there should be more but I really think sticking with what the kids know/are comfortable with seems the plan.

R: I'm sorry for not being on that Zoom call. I feel like I'm not being very articulate via text. I'll draft what I'm thinking and send if out today! With content based literacy we can kill two birds with l stone here that'll lead up to a project.

90 min a day with math is like nothing so I'm trying to be respectful of that


B: I think CAL stuff is great. I just need to know what I need to develop. I thought we each were going to take a week. Either way works. If you wanna do two weeks back to back, I can do two weeks, back to back.


R: I just want to make sure I'm pulling my weight is all


B: Just let me know. I'll keep developing the project I've been working on around monuments/ landmarks


R: Okay I'll do science next week. You do monuments the following because we've already established that, then just know I'm doing SS and we can touch base about what they'll look like because it def cannot be done in a week


Brian: I don't know if this was always the plan from the start but that Covid document is very helpful for me to 'see' the next week; next month.

As opposed to just posting a crapload of activities I found somewhere on the internet.


B: Right. I can definitely help with SS. I'm a history nut.

They have had almost no background on landmarks/ monuments. I was going to teach them with my project. However you wanna do it is cool with me. We can completely skip my project. I can just start putting something together for Revolutionary War if you want and you focus on Science.


R: I thought you hated the revolutionary war...


B: I don't love it that's for sure. It's boring history but I wouldn't hate doing it my way... History is still my jam.


R: Would it be easier to split it up?

B: Split up what?


R: Content. Like you SS and me science, then we could just do content based and we don't have to worry about overlapping because we're still working on CCSS within the subject.

I know I've been doing both, and I'm def not trying to slack off I'm just thinking it might be easier for planning purposes. You can say no.

B: Yes. Let's do that. Unless the admin tell us different, let's split it up.

That makes it easier for me too my friend. For realsies, I would much rather do content than random reading passages.


R: *air five*


B: I submitted S's paper request just in case you hadn't gotten around to it yet. Bri, do you want me to do T and LG's?


R: Thank you, I was about to do that.


Brian: Thank you but I already filled out the packet request forms for those two.


B: Ok. I didn't do it


Brian: It's mildly offensive that JZ listed the form four (4!) times in the email T forwarded. Just mildly so.


B: It was confusing. I thought she wanted us to fill it out twice. Once to request and once to track. I almost did but then realized it's the same drinking form.



Brian: It makes me kinda wanna have a drink or two..


B: Me too. Unfortunately, I'm only allowed to drink when I'm in another country and I won't be doing that anytime soon...


Brian: Must get away from ChromeBook/ school. Going out to tidy the garage.


R: Tomorrow is pressure wash. Today is actually decide which virtual lab will really hit ii home


B: Tomorrow is zoom meeting day. I have a zoom yoga class and a zoom IEP. Must wash hair today though.

We already tidied garage, replaced all the mismatched hangers into matching ones and cleaned backyard. I think I might have to tackle my closet next. Not excited about that though. Goodwill isn't accepting anything.

R: Think of me while you're going through your closet


B: I will except you are tiny mama and I am...not


Brian: Worked on the garage decontamination stations. Table A is the first step. Most items, I'll just leave for a day or two. If  it's food stuffs, especially refrigerated items, I wipe it down first to accelerate the process.

The Costco delivery was so large and unexpected, we needed to leave some items on the floor.

Table B (upper right corner) is the next stop for items. It’s another day or two of just sitting before coming into the house.

The mail just sits on Table B till we get interested enough to bring it in.

Tina's birthday check came in today. (Yea!) Unfortunately. I have Very little interest in risking life and limb by going to a bank to deposit it. (Boo!)

We actually have multiple checks in the same situation.

I also checked the fruit trees, lifted weights, practiced my guitar, gave X a new book to read, and adjusted the Bird Feeder Situation.

Tonight, it’s a bonfire in the fire pit to get rid of all of our financial paperwork. Wendi's been tidying up the office like mad, trying to find the one. blasted. document! So we can finish our taxes. Therefore, she been cleaning out a lot of old retirement paperwork.

Thus: Fire

Plus, you know, I shared my winning recipe for powdered cubes. That is all for now.



B: Smart!

I should tell you that many banks and credit unions have an online deposit scenario where you can deposit your check by taking a picture of it.


Brian: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa. Don't confuse this Consumer Report Subscriber* with your talk of "online deposit".

Deposit slips were good enough for Abraham and Noah. They are good enough for me.

Yours, Me.

*That is, an old person.


Fri, Apr 10.10:54 AM

Brian: Who invited us to the KM. meeting? I can't find the email.


R: I believe N

B: I'll forward you the email if you want.

R: How do you both feel about Zoom meeting with T for support

B: Sure. Support in what way?

R: He sent an email saying he's willing to zoom with us about our classroom. I just wasn't sure we needed it, but obviously I'm open to it

B: I'm open but I don't wanna zoom just for zoom's sake

Maybe we should because it could either confirm our direction or redirect us.

I plan to post an announcement for our new format in Bloomz this afternoon around 4


5th Grade Team - 2020 Texts Part 2


5th Grade Team - 2020 Texts Part 4